POWERFLEX® 3arm® handling system

Powerflex 3arm® - a synonym for flexible, smooth-running and ergonomic work in daily use. The multifunctional arm that takes the hard work out of your hands.

Mühe­loses halten von Maschinen bis 60 Kilogramm

Work without physical effort

Positionable as desired

Choice of different adapter systems

The POWERFLEX® 3arm® family


Felix Hertz
Account Manager POWERFLEX®

Powerflex 3arm® - a synonym for flexible, smooth-running and ergonomic work in daily use.

In jedem Unter­nehmen, in denen Mitar­beiter Werk­stoffe montieren, zusam­men­bauen und bear­beiten, ist dies meist mit schwerer körper­li­cher ermü­dender und ergo­no­misch unvor­teil­hafter Arbeit verbunden. Dies gefährdet auf Dauer die Gesund­heit und senkt die Ausdauer und Leis­tungs­fä­hig­keit. Die Lösung für diese Probleme und Arbeits­si­tua­tionen bieten wir Ihnen, als Unter­nehmen Fröh­lich & Dörken GmbH, dem Spezia­listen für Hand­­lings- Systeme seit Jahr­zehnten als Gene­ral­ver­tre­tung in Deutschland.

Die 3arm® Serie wurde entwi­ckelt, um Werk­zeuge und andere Geräte bis 60 Kilo­gramm mühelos zu halten. In verschie­denen Arbeits­be­rei­chen, mit diversen unter­schied­li­chen Adapter-Systemen versetzt die 3arm® Serie Sie in die Lage, schwe­relos, flexibel und ergo­no­misch zu arbeiten. Schleif­ge­räte, Dreh­­mo­­ment- und Schlag­schrauber, so wie andere Werk­zeuge und Geräte können leicht und ohne Anstren­gung bewegt und bedient werden.

The versatility of the 3arm® series in assembly lines at automotive manufacturers, machine builders and in aerospace engineering, - or even in craft workshops and workshops for the disabled - gives this system its nickname: Multifunction Arm.

The 3arm® series impresses with its flexibility and variability. The use of the respective tools takes place without physical effort, with low fatigue and in an ergonomically optimal working posture. If the tool is moved to another position, this happens almost weightlessly and without effort. The 3arm® series can be used stationary at a fixed workstation or, in combination with the corresponding accessories, at any position within the workshop or production.

The Powerflex handling system adapts to the existing individual local conditions. As a result, the investment costs are essentially limited to the actual product. The 3arm® series is used both in the stand-alone version and in series production. The 3arm® series is the solution for maintaining your health, strength and performance, especially when working overhead for long periods of time or with outstretched arms. The entire Powerflex 3arm family is also ideally suited for use in workshops for the disabled, or when it comes to providing an adequate workplace for people with physical disabilities in the private sector.

Our service: Online product presentation

Find out directly from our expert advisors which machines are suitable for which applications and which machine is best suited to your requirements.

For each customer there is also the possibility to test our devices after a demonstration by us, 14 days without obligation. (Here we charge a flat rate of 50€/day, which will be charged at the time of purchase. We take over the transport costs).

Your advantages with POWERFLEX® 3arm®

Increased productivity in the workshop or production, through more efficient use of tools and fewer fatigue breaks

Reduction of work-related absences and reduction of late health effects

Rapid amortization of acquisition costs through increased output

Various accessories for ceiling and floor mounting

Wide range of possible applications, as can be universally combined with many different tools thanks to different mounting adapters

More precise work results and permanently consistent processing quality thanks to a wide range of presetting and weight settings

Flexible use at different work locations due to mounting on trolley

Differences between the POWERFLEX® 3arm® series

POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 0

Weight range up to 35Kg

Maximum radius 925mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 1070mm

Torque up to 650 Nm

Compatible acquisition heads All

Brake options L00,L11,L22,L50,L92 (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 1

Weight range up to 10Kg

Maximum radius 1123mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 1070mm

Torque 0 Nm

Compatible recording heads B,BA,C,E,EA,F,G,K,N,T

Brake options L00 no brakes (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 2

Weight range up to 10Kg

Maximum radius 860mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 530mm

Torque up to 120 Nm

Compatible recording heads B,BA,C,E,EA,F,G,K,N

Brake options L00 no brakes (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 3

Weight range up to 35Kg

Maximum radius 1725mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 1070mm

Torque up to 650 Nm

Compatible acquisition heads All (see info sheet)

Brake options L00,L11,L22,L50,L92 (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 4

Weight range up to 24Kg

Maximum radius 1555mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 1340mm

Torque up to 300 Nm

Compatible acquisition heads All (see info sheet)

Brake options L00,L11,L22,L50,L92 (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Series 6

Weight range up to 18Kg

Maximum radius 2095mm + selected head element

Maximum vertical distance 669mm

Torque up to 300 Nm

Compatible acquisition heads All (see info sheet)

Brake options L00,L22,L92 (see info sheet)


POWERFLEX® 3arm® Serie 7

Gewichts­be­reich bis 60Kg

Maxi­maler Radius 1670mm + ausge­wähltes Kopfelement

Maxi­maler Verti­kaler Abstand 707 mm

Dreh­mo­ment bis 1200 Nm

Kompa­tible Aufnah­me­köpfe B,BA,E,A,J,L,LB,K,Q,U,Z (siehe Info­blatt)

Brem­s­op­tionen L00,L11,L22,L92 (siehe Infoblatt)


The POWERFLEX® 3arm® series in detail

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